Don’t let shoulder pain ruin your festivities this Christmas

As we start to go into the festive season and life gets busy, sometimes more aches and pains can arise. One common problem we see is shoulder pain related to overloading the muscles and tendons of the shoulder. This can be due to a change in your usual activities, whether that’s doing some crazy dance moves at your Christmas party, lifting your Christmas tree onto the roof of your car or taking the turkey out of the oven.

The shoulder joint has a wide range of movement and therefore relies heavily on the ligaments and muscles for stability. The rotator cuff is a group of small muscles which keep the ball of the shoulder in the socket, whilst the larger muscles move the arm. The space in which these tendons sit is very small and so if you overload the shoulder by doing an activity you’re not conditioned to, the tendons can become enlarged and they can get caught, or impinged.

What causes them to be irritated?

One of the biggest causes is from doing activities that you’re not used to, particularly overhead activities. This can overload the tendons and muscles. It can also be caused by one sudden action, such as heavy lifting or falling awkwardly onto the shoulder. Unfortunately, age is also a factor as we know that as we get older the tendons start to wear and are therefore more susceptible to sudden or repetitive type injury. Finally posture can also play a large part, as a more flexed back posture changes the shoulder biomechanics which can make the small space the tendons sit even smaller and lead to irritation.

How do you treat impingement?

Firstly it’s all about addressing the underlying cause, whether that’s posture or changing a particular activity, whilst building strength is vital to restore biomechanics and load the affected tendon to stimulate the healing process. Hands on physiotherapy treatment can be really beneficial to stretch the shoulder and release the overactive muscles in the area and kinesio taping promotes good posture and supports the affected tendon.

Can you do anything to prevent it?

Yes! Doing specific exercises will maintain a strong and healthy rotator cuff. These do not necessarily need to be done in a gym. Pilates is a great way to help strengthen the shoulder, improve posture and maintain good biomechanics!

If you’re suffering with shoulder pain I would advise you to get a thorough assessment to diagnose what the problem is and then start appropriate treatment so your tendons don’t spoil your fun this Christmas!

Kate Cadbury